Hello all, It has been a while for a good reason. I started school about a month ago and I'm busy with 18 hours and a job. I'm enjoying this semester, but I wish it was already over and I had passed all my classes with A's. Unfortunately I have to do the work and learn the material the slow way. Boo. On the up side I have an awesome room and roommate. We have the biggest two person room in Pattie Cob.This is my space. It looks pretty much the same now, except it is not as neat. It's so nice to have a big area and not just a bedroom. Unfortunately, Paige and I have been so busy that we have not had time to utilize our extra space, but a time will come!
I got a job working for Parking Services on campus and essentially my job is to ticket cars. I think sometimes I might enjoy it too much. I'm also taking Edfd 311, French, British Literature, Comp 2, Political Science, and Wisdom Literature.
I go to classes, go to work, do homework, sleep and repeat. Life goes on. I have not been able to sleep as much as I would like to. It might be pathetic, but I like to get 10 hours, and most of the time I do. I've been so sleepy lately and Paige has been sick, so I might be coming down with something. Hopefully not the Swine flu which has been on campus for awhile. Dang swine!
11:48 PM
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